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Creating, Validating and Amalgamating ILR's Using SFA's Tools 2016-2017

Creating, Validating and Amalgamating ILR

Creating ILR's for Validation

If you are choosing to create your ILR's using the SFA's tools then this information is for you!

 I've been doing some research and thought I would share this information as it will come in handy for when you become a lead provider.

If you plan on using an MI system then Step 1 won't be relevant to you but you may find the rest useful.



ILR Learner Entry Tool:
ILR Entry application for 2016 - 2017 or  The Hub to select other funding years.

Rule Violation Spreadsheet:
ILR Validation Rules 2016 - 17 spreadsheet.

The FIS:
FIS software application.

The Hub:
Data returns overview: December 2015 document.


Step 1 - ILR Learner Entry

To create a correctly structured XML document you will either need to use an ILR compliant MI system or the SFA's ILR Learner Entry tool.

If you have several people inputting data you will need to amalgamate all the individually exported XML files to make one XML file prior to import into The Hub.

NOTE: The ILR Learner Entry tool does not validate your data!


You will have to be super careful when inputting data items such as post codes, as there are strict rules regarding formatting.

You must have a space between the two the two parts of the post code and as this is a mandatory field it cannot be left blank.

If a postcode is unknown or does not apply then ZZ99 9ZZ must be input.

If the format is incorrect then this will throw validation errors in the FIS and stops the validation process from continuing.

All these type of rules can be found in the various SFA funding rules: 2016 to 2017 and ILR specification, validation rules and appendices 2016 to 2017 documentation.

Start by:

1. Data input into ILR Learner Entry tool.

2. If you have lots of people helping to input this information you will end up with several exported XML files.

3. Export your ILR data and validate each individual file in the FIS.

4. FIS - To start with I would suggest:

    a) Import and Validate an ILR submission
    b) Export Rule Violation Summary Report as PDF.

Step 2 - Fix Rule Violation Errors

I would recommend that you download the ILR Validation Rules 2016 - 17 spreadsheet so you can find any error codes listed in the Rule Violation Report.

Fix any errors in the ILR Learner Entry tool before re exporting the ILR and running it through the FIS again.

This could be a very repetitive process so it's best to validate each file individually before you amalgamate them.

Step 3 - Amalgamating ILR's in the FIS

When you installed the Funding Information System (FIS) on your PC an ILR folder was created too.

This is the default location for all the exports you request from the FIS.

I would suggest the following:

1. Open FIS - select your DataSet and Reference options.

2. Click the Amalgamate check box and nothing else.

3. Click Execute - this allows you to add the individual XML files one at a time.

4. Once ALL of the XML files are added click the Import button.

5. The FIS will amalgamate all the individual files into one XML file.

9. The completed XML file will be automatically exported to the ILR folder.


1. Uncheck Amalgamate and check all the other items you need

Again, to start with I would suggest:

    a) Import and Validate an ILR submission
    b) Rule Violation Summary Report as PDF

2. Click Execute

3. Browse to the ILR folder and select the newly amalgamated ILR XML file

4. Click Import

5. Your data will be validated and a report of any errors will be generated as a PDF. This will be exported to the ILR folder.

Step 4 - Import ILR into The HUB

The Data returns overview: December 2015 document gives you step by step instructions on how to complete the process.

"Each provider should have a single super user... Super users manage access for their users and give them responsibilities within their organisation in the Hub. This allows a super user to restrict what the organisation’s users can view."

For future reference here some links to get you started:

Information Management Services: Self Registration

The Hub: guide to user roles

The Hub: guide to the contracts and finances area

 Athena MIS & RAIL - ILR Creation for Lead providers and Subcontractors

We have worked really hard to make ILR creation as easy as possible in Athena MIS & Rail and have developed two types of ILR files:

•    individulal ILR for subcontractors to return to lead providers
•    complete ILR, in XML format, for lead providers to submit to The Hub.

With just a click of a button the ILR spreadsheet or XML document is exported straight from Athena MIS & RAIL.

Watch the videos on how to create an ILR spreadsheet for your lead provider, or, a complete ILR in XML format for submission to The Hub.

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