RoATP Opens Today!
A quick heads up for those waiting to apply to the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers, it opens again today for a whole month!
The deadline is Friday 27th October 2017
(for new applications only)
If you have been accepted on the RoATP previously then don't reapply, it's not available for a refresh yet. Check out the article in FE WEEK
Application process
The application process to enter the register of apprenticeship training providers requires an organisation to take the following steps:
1. Review the application instruction document for the appropriate application route.
2. Review the register of apprenticeship training providers financial health self-assessment toolkit to establish if you are financially sound.
3. Review the register of apprenticeship training providers e-tendering support guidance to help with access to the questions on the e-tendering portal.
4. Submit your application through the e-tendering portal before the application deadline.
"An applicant that applies to the main RoATP application route cannot pass and be listed on RoATP until they have provided a valid offer on the course directory."
The SFA's Course Directory Provider Portal for apprenticeship data is open and you will need to create your training offer for employers, this is generally required before the RoATP deadline closes.
There are two guidance documents available to help you with the technical aspects of importing data and writing the content:
• Apprenticeship data: course directory provider portal user guide
• Course directory provider portal: content guidance
The Course Directory Provider Portal Help Page has many help files and templates to guide you through bulk upload of apprenticeship data, should you wish to take that approach.
For further support you can contact the Course Directory Support Team:
0844 811 5073 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Cleverblogs Posts
I have several blog posts which you may find useful:
• How to Upload Your Apprenticeship Offer in The Course Directory Portal
• Funding Rules & RoATP Application
• Important RoATP Application Information for Subcontractors
Some of the information could be a little out of date as these where written some time ago but the majority is still good to go!