Another long wait has been had by all who applied (or reapplied) to the third release of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers.
A great big congratulations for those who've made it!
The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers is now made up of:
• 263 Employer Providers
• 1924 Main Providers
• 390 Supporting Providers
A total of 2577 successful applicants.
The article on FE Week is an interesting read covering the current situation.
What's Next for RoATP?
Back in September 2017 the ESFA announced that this third opening of the RoATP would be the last until a review of providers has taken place.
“This will be the final time the register opens before we intend to review it to ensure that it continues to offer employers confidence that those listed can deliver the highest-quality apprenticeship training.”
This article in FE Week covered ongoing concerns many of which are still of issue to date!
So far there has been no indication as to when the register will reopen so those not on the RoATP will be limited to £100k of aggregated delivery until accepted on the register.
Points to Note:
• Only those accepted on the RoATP can deliver apprenticeship training.
• Levy tax can only be used for apprenticeship training.
• Employ a new apprentice or up skill existing staff.
• Apprenticeship duration – minimum 1 year.
• 20% ‘off the job’ training.
• ESFA approved Framework or standard (only if approved for delivery).
• Ofqual regulated qualifications only.
• Must be registered with Ofqual regulated awarding organisation.
• In scope for Ofsted inspections.
• Main provider on RoATP – can only deliver to levy paying employers
unless has a direct contract with ESFA.
• Monthly ILR submissions to ESFA & data management.
• Must adhere to all ESFA funding rules.
• Matrix Standard.
• Must include functional skills maths & English (unless exempt).
• Safeguarding & prevent duty policies and procedures in place.
New to Apprenticeship Delivery?
The ESFA will provide mandatory training for providers new to delivering apprenticeship training but there are other options available for you to get a head start.
The Education & Training Foundation have a series of courses to help including:
• How will I resource my apprenticeship delivery?
• Planning your delivery programme
• Preparing to Deliver the Apprenticeship Standards
• How to deliver apprenticeships effectively: Seminar
• Everything you need to know about apprenticeships.
Course fees are reduced for SET members.
New to Delivering Standards?
The Education & Training Foundation also have courses "progress your delivery of apprenticeship standards" for those providers transitioning from frameworks.
Delivering apprenticeship standards courses in:
- • adultcare, healthcare and dental
- • business administration and customer service
- • catering and hospitality
- • digital
- • Early Years
- • education and training
- • hair and beauty
- • leadership and management
- • motor vehicle and engineering
- • warehousing and logistics
"The Society for Education and Training (SET) is the new professional membership organisation of the Education and Training Foundation for practitioners working in the post-16 education and training sector. Since the close of the Institute for Learning (IfL) in November 2014, SET has taken on its legacy and continues to support practitioners through their professional membership."
ESFA Funding Streams
There are other ESFA funding streams available to training providers but you must apply to the Register of Training Organisations, completing capacity and capability, if you want to be eligible for other direct contracts.
As soon as the ROTO opens for new applicants I will let you know!
Download the current list here.
We've been thinking... We specialise in supporting small training providers and know how much of a daunting task it is trying to work out which MI system will be right for your company, so we've come up with a special offer just for those who receive my emails or blog updates.
• Are you currently using the ESFA's learner entry tool?
• Are you looking for an ILR compliant MIS?
• Do you have a current ILR (XML) document?
• Would you like support in submitting your ILR?
I maybe shooting myself in the foot, but here goes!
We will set up your very own Athena MIS with access for a whole month AND support you through submitting an ILR, so you can get a real life feel for what our system can do for you!
No strings attached!
If you don't like Athena MIS no worries, your system will be deleted and you walk away with a submitted ILR*.
*Subject to completion of the required ILR fields.
All ILR's created by Athena MIS are error free, this is because only valid learners are included for submission!
If you like Athena MIS and want to continue uninterrupted simply:
• pay the setup fee
• setup a standing order
• sign licence agreement.
Our fees are listed on our pricing page.
Don't Have an ILR?
So, you don't have an ILR but want to try out Athena MIS?
You can always try our demo site for a general idea of what's included, just email me for login details.
Not enough, you want to submit an ILR?
Hmm, ok, what can we do here?
If you have a small number of learners then get in touch, we will help the best we can!
Register below to get our blog updates to take advantage of our special offer!
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