The SFA has a whole host of information around the ILR, what it is, why we need it and how to record and submit the information needed.
I will put together as much information as I can find regarding ILR's and what you need to know to manage the submissions for when the final RoATP and Funding Rules documents are published.
Here is a little information to get you started, the latest technical guidelines and validation rules spreadsheet can be downloaded here, along with a whole host of other relevant documents.
The ILR page has all the latest news and updates and you can also check out the documentation for the Hub for registration information.
"The data collected is used to calculate funding due to FE providers, for performance monitoring, future planning and to ensure that public money is being spent in-line with government targets."
If the data is incorrect then there could be funding claw-back which could have devastating repercussion for training providers.
Take alook at my other ILR blog posts:
Individualised Learner Record (ILR) Update!
Update to Apprenticeship ILR's from May 2017
Creating, Validating and Amalgamating ILR's Using SFA's Tools
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